
One moment...we are preparing something epic for you.

Do you like your current job?

Are you looking for a career with a fun and exciting company and a chance to grow your skills?

Busy  Electrical Contractor seeking electricians with a minimum 1-year electrical experience that can be verified! Someone with enough experience to support our company/job needs and have a good basic understanding of all RESIDENTIAL / Light Commercial electrical applications and installations.


Experience w/ remodels and additions is a plus!
Pay D.O.E.

Job Requirements

You Must:

  • Be clean cut and have your own hand tools.
  • Have an insured vehicle and CA. drivers license.
  • Be able to pass a drug test.
  • Have Electrical experience that can be verified!!
  • Be Enrolled in Approved Classes or CA State Certified
  • Have a Positive Attitude
  • Have a Clean Criminal Background
  • Be Trustworthy & Ethical
  • Be a Team Player
  • Have Strong Customer Service Skills


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